Trust our expert mechanics to guarantee you a bike that is ready for maximum performance and safety.
Discover our fitting services, designed to meet your needs, from the basic to the most advanced level.
The costs of the various services vary according to the country of destination and are available on the product sheet of the bicycles and in the check-out of your order.
SMART Service
DELUXE Service
N.B. If you purchase a bicycle with tubeless wheels, latex will be supplied separately to avoid problems during transport.
This refers to the assembly and adjustment of the components in all parts, with no customization options. The bike will be assembled to 80%, meaning the wheels and handlebars will need to be installed.
The cost of the SMART assembly represents a flat rate and does not reflect the actual hourly cost that would be charged to assemble your new bike.
This refers to a service that includes:
- Assembly and adjustment of all components, with the possibility of customizing the bike measurements (e.g., spacers under the handlebars, fork cutting, and adjustment of the telescopic seat post, provided that the adjustment measurements are indicated at the time of the order)
- Support and consultation from a dedicated internal specialist
ONLY FOR ITALY: With the “Ready to Go” reassembly, the bike will be delivered fully assembled, and only the front and rear wheels will need to be installed. For logistical reasons related to package size, this option is only available for shipments within Italy. The buyer may need to install some components; the reassembly video link is available above.
FOR EUROPE AND WORLD: For logistical reasons, the bike will be assembled to 80%, meaning the wheels, handlebars, and rear derailleur will need to be installed.
The cost of the DELUXE assembly represents a flat rate and does not reflect the actual hourly cost that would be charged to assemble your new bike.
Our mechanics check and pre-assemble all bicycles, carefully pack all parts, especially the most delicate ones, and prepare the package for delivery.
Once you have received your box at home, simply open it and follow one of the video tutorials below, depending on the type of bike you purchased, to complete the assembly of your new bike and... start cycling!