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Road bike wheels are designed to offer superior performance and aim to offer the cyclist speed, aerodynamics and lightness on any type of route. If you are a cyclist looking to improve your times or tackle long road rides with greater efficiency, choosing the right cycling wheels is essential. Follow our advice to make the right purchase and best equip your road bike.

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How to choose wheels for racing bikes

Racing wheels stand out for their aerodynamic design, lightness and rigidity, which allow for a smoother ride and an immediate response to stress. Thanks to the use of advanced materials such as carbon and aluminum, these bike wheels are built to ensure high resistance while keeping weight to a minimum. In addition, they are compatible with rim or disc brakes, offering versatility based on your preferences and racing conditions.
The best brands you can find at Cicli Mattio are Campagnolo, DTSwiss, Enve, Fulcrum, Mavic, Shimano, Syncros.

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