Bike pedals are among the most important accessories, because, if chosen correctly, they ensure optimal pedalling and can positively influence the cyclist's performance.
Since motion is transmitted through the pedals, it is essential that they provide effective support, together with any cleat or magnet, and are capable of imparting adequate force to the foot while minimising energy loss.
Each discipline has different characteristics and requirements, and so there are different pedals in terms of grip, weight, material.
Match shoe and pedals correctly, browse our catalogue of cycling shoes.
In order to better control pedalling, quick-release pedals are very popular with cyclists. By attaching the cleat under the shoe, they allow the foot to be anchored to the bike and consequently achieve greater and more effective pedalling control.
There are different types of pedals, in terms of attachment system, shape and technical characteristics, which make one pedal more suitable for one discipline/situation than another.
The theory must then be combined with the preference of the cyclist who, after trying different pedals, will understand which system is the best for him!
The most important distinction is between:
Ask Cicli Mattio: our sales staff will be able to advise you on the pedal that best suits your needs, in terms of speciality, comfort, performance and budget.
You can contact us via ticket on our website or come and visit us in our shop, we are in Piasco (CN) in Via Donatori di Sangue 1.