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SRAM Force AXS D2 HRD Leve

Fino ad esaurimento scorte
Sconto -11%

373,00 €

419,95 €
  • Colore: Nero
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Consegna stimata tra il
15 marzo 2025 e il 19 marzo 2025
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SKU: 087999001001
BARCODE: 710845892288
MPN: 00.7918.213.000

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SRAM Force AXS D2 HRD Leve

Wireless electronic shifting and hydraulic disc braking: the best of both worlds. The SRAM Force eTap AXS HRD shift-brake system integrates top technology into an efficient package and offers AXS for easy personalization.

  • AXS enabled for easy personalization
  • Simple and intuitive eTap shift logic
  • Award-winning HydroHC brake platform
  • Textured shift paddles and hoods for control and comfort
  • Personalize for your hands and preferences using the Contact Point Adjustment and separate Reach Adjust
  • One port per side for Blips
  • Bleeding Edge technology for easy and clean bleeds
  • Now backwards compatible with 11-speed eTap derailleurs

Bleeding Edge

With this new caliper fluid circuitry, the bleed port has been moved to the bottom of the caliper, and all four piston bores can communicate. This way, during bleeding fluid naturally fills the caliper, resulting in an easier, more consistent bleed.

Contact Point Adjustment

Some people like the instantaneous power of a short lever throw. Others prefer the feel of a longer throw. With Contact Point Adjust, you can pick the position you want your fingers to be in when your brakes are engaged. It’s a quick and easy way to customize the feel of your brakes without having to move the pads. It’s also a way to balance both brake levers to feel exactly the same.

Reach Adjust

Brake lever fit and feel is a personal thing. Riders have individual positioning preferences, as well as unique hand sizes and finger lengths. Reach Adjust makes it easy to adjust your lever for maximum one-finger control for everyone.


All of the underlying tech in our new SRAM RED eTap groupset, such as wireless shifting, advanced battery power management, and mechatronics technologies, are meant to serve one ultimate purpose: to facilitate the most intuitive and consistent shifting available. This shift logic is called eTap. Right lever makes it harder, left lever makes it easier, both levers shift the front derailleur. Simple, unmistakable, and intuitive.


AXS is SRAM’s new bike component integration system that connects electronic bicycle components and software. The SRAM AXS app allows riders to see battery status, change component behavior, personalize controls, get maintenance reminders, and update firmware.  


Road bikes are faster and more capable than ever before, and riders are expanding what’s possible with drop bar bikes. X-Range is gearing for today’s road riding. We completely reimagined road gearing for wider range, more useful and smoother gear progression, as well as smarter shift settings—enabled by AXS. With X-Range, you’re always in the right gear.


Lever orientation Left, Right
Brake orientation Front, Rear
Compat - Derailleur (Hyd) AXS
Brake lever material LFRT
Shift lever material Plastic
Color - Caliper Grey
Pad type (Disc) Steel-backed organic
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it.ciclimattio.com Reviews with ekomi.it

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